The 1G flash drives may be purchased as a single, or in sets of 5.
Think about this for a NG give-away!
The Phoenix Chapter has acquired One Gigabyte flash drives for sale to members.
They are now available through this website. One Gigabyte drives are very hard to locate. Many of the older embroidery machines cannot use a flash drive larger that 2 Gigabytes. Even though newer machines can handle larger drives, they take longer to download your designs. Why waste an expensive 68 or 128 Gigabyte drive to download a small file for transport or to give to someone? Places that do carry them are charging anywhere from $20-$75 each.
The proceeds include the PayPal fee, and shipping costs. The balance will be deposited to the American Sewing Guild-Phoenix Chapter General Checking Account for Events and training of its mem
PayPal is the payment method where you will be automatically directed to PayPal's site in the next step. When you've entered your information there, you'll be brought back to this store to complete your order.
The proceeds include the PayPal fee of $1.24, and shipping costs through USPS of $1.60. The balance will be deposited to the American Sewing Guild Phoenix Chapter General Checking Account for Events and training of its members.