Education · 03. April 2024
Plan to attend the annual conference! This year, San Francisco is the host city. The directors of our organization promise this to be full of surprises.
Education · 12. January 2024
View this video on couture designing by Hanna Harnell.
Education · 04. December 2023
Your thoughtfulness keeps on giving all year long!
Education · 26. November 2023
Join us at our newest meeting place!
Education · 21. November 2023
Watching the creation of a Dior Collection.
01. November 2023
NEW Neighborhood Group!!!! We are looking for some sewing enthusiasts to help us with a new NG! Not a lot is required; just some enthusiasm, a little bit of sewing knowledge, a friendly smile, and welcoming personality! Don't worry, we're here to help you get started and keep you going. The new group is graciously hosted by Sun Valley Quilts!!! Our group meets right after their Saturday "Sew Smart" group (please register through the button below--it's free! Check out their wonderful program and...
15. February 2022
After the holidays there is sometimes the "let-down" of inspiration in our sewing mojo. I don't know about you, but my inspiration seems to come from the holidays--I'm always stitching for the holidays. However, there are a lot more everyday times to stitch, too! Why not take a trip to your closet or the thrift store for some still-serviceable, but no longer worn jeans and turn them into some bags. The denim is sturdy, washable, and comes in different colors (especially when faded), and is...
08. February 2022
Get some inspiration and information about coloring fabric with crayons.
05. October 2021
We often ask people, "What's under your needle?" With our ASG Neighborhood Groups (NGs) the answers vary because all of our groups and their members have different interests. Some like garment sewing the best, some like to finish things started years ago, and others--which is probably most members--like a combination of all types of sewing. The best thing about our chapter is the diversity of member interests. The really great thing about them? They LOVE sharing their love of sewing. This is...
29. September 2021
It's time for members to together for stitching and fall eating.