We often ask people, "What's under your needle?"
With our ASG Neighborhood Groups (NGs) the answers vary because all of our groups and their members have different interests. Some like garment sewing the best, some like to finish things started years ago, and others--which is probably most members--like a combination of all types of sewing.
The best thing about our chapter is the diversity of member interests. The really great thing about them? They LOVE sharing their love of sewing. This is done by showing off the latest project they've finished and sharing what was easy for them and what gave them a bit of a challenge. For others it is getting a nudge from members to complete a project or some information to get over something that has them stumped.
No matter what our members like to sew, they are always learning and sharing. But it isn't all learning--we like to sew for our community through specialty projects and we also like to sometimes just sit and chat. Our NGs are our sewing home away from home. We connect through sewing but our member friends end up being more like life-long family members.
ASG allows two (2) visitis to a NG before requiring membership. Please visit us, learn what we are about, and become a new friend. We're holding two open house opportunities. Just click on this link phoenixasg.org and then scroll down below the calendar for the information. There is one open house on the east side and one on the west coming up soon! Please stop by.